Una de las mejores cosas de casarse es comprobar que tu familia (familia política incluida) y amigos son realmente tan generosos y detallistas como pensabas... Hemos recibido unos regalos maravillosos, increíblemente especiales.
La verdad es que no pensaba hablar de eso por aquí, pero ayer unos amigos me sorprendieron con un collar y un broche basados en mis ilustraciones. ¡Estoy emocionada!
¿No parece cosa de magia?
One of the best things about getting married is that you have the chance to see that your family (family in law too) and friends are as generous and thoughtful as you believed them to be... We were given amazing and really special gifts.
The true is that I wasn't planning on saying anything like this here, but yesterday some friends surprised me with a necklace and a brooch based on my illustrations. I'm so excited!
Doesn't it look like magic?